Welcome from Church Secretary

I would like to give a brief introduction and history our church.  The church was officially registered under the Church of God in December of 2013.  But we had been meeting for years in the basement of Bro. Varghese’s house before that.  When the church started out it was just Bro. Varghese’s family.  But soon other relatives and members joined the church.  And we invited the Church of God overseer for the Rocky Mountain Region Bishop Thomas Powell to come to our worship service.  After seeing the service he immediately helped us get registered under the Church of God.  He also said he could get us connected to another local church to possibly use a room in their church for our services.

Shortly after we were officially registered under the Church of God, Bishop Powell introduced us to Pastor Mark at Valley View Church of God.  After meeting with Pastor Mark he suggested that we use a room in their building to conduct our services.  They offered to help us get started and didn’t ask for anything in return.  As we started meeting in room 106 at Valley View we started to grow.

Even though we initially only met on Sundays to worship.  We quickly started other meetings during the week.  Our Monday night prayer meeting was one of the first meetings that we started.  It was an intercessory prayer meeting.  We also started a Friday Fasting Prayer Meeting and a Saturday Cottage Meeting (meeting at individual homes for worship).  Pretty soon we had enough kids to also start a Sunday school.  The Sunday school would meet in the conference room of Valley View Church of God.  Sis. Tinsy was our first Sunday school teacher.  Around this time we also started the choir under the direction of Bro. Ronsy.

As the church grew and we started having multiple meetings throughout the week, the church started looking for a Senior Pastor to lead the church.  We meet multiple pastors, but it was thru the recommendation of another pastor that we found Pastor Benson Abraham.  Pastor Benson had come to Dallas to complete his masters and was looking for a church to pastor.  As soon as he came to Denver and met with the elders and the church we knew he was a right fit for Denver Salem Church of God.

Pastor Benson Abraham became the Senior Pastor at Denver Salem Church of God in August 2017.  Shortly after coming to Denver, he was able to bring his wife (Sis. Feba) and two children (Sharon and his newborn son Aaron).  Since coming to Denver Pastor Benson and his family have been a blessing to this church.  We were able to host multiple conventions, start our monthly fasting prayer meeting and our Youth Meetings (under the direction of Bro. Jacob).  Pastor Benson has helped to transform the church and has become a valued member of the community.

As we continued meeting in Valley View in room 106, we had discussions with Pastor Mark and Valley View to get a bigger space.  We suggested renovating the old hall (4390B Lowell Blvd.)  Pastor Mark loved the idea and helped get the conversation started.  However, because he was retiring Pastor Shawn took over the project.  We worked with Pastor Shawn to help get the renovation of the church hall started.  The church poured countless hours and resources to help get the project completed (with the help of Valley View Church of God).  The building renovation as completed in October 2020 (in the midst of a pandemic). However, nothing could stop us from entering into the new hall and worshiping there.  The new hall has been a blessing to both churches and we now exclusively use the building as our own.

As we look back at the history of the church it’s amazing to see how far God has brought us.  He took us from meeting in the basement to a small room and from there to having our own hall to worship in.  In all of this, God had a plan for this church.  As I look back I can see that it was God that directed our every step and made this church what it is today.

– Bro. Roye Varghese

